Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Okay.. I know it has been a few months since i've updated my blog.. No one really comes here anymore, and to the few who do, i have nothing to talk about anyway.. The holidays are over soon. Why, it feels like it has not even started yet. And the percentage completion of my homework remains the reciprocal of infinity.. Or to the mathematical sticklers, the reciprocal of n as n approaches infinity(they should just come up with an infinitesimal unit). Been doing nothing recently, apart from playing 9-ball. A lot of nine ball, with kenneth and daniel.. Just spent 40 bucks yesterday at pool fusion. I should really quit playing. Plus i've been reading up on maths. A level and uni maths. HAHA to the useless idiots who think A maths is tough.. Blah.. no one will read this anyway...


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