Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Yupp i'm going to reveal my ten least known secrets to those who visit this blog.. Listen up.

1. No matter how much i like looking at them, i Dislike being around girls.

2. I Do believe that God exists.

3. I sleep with my parents because i am extremely fearful of being in a dark place alone.

4. Although i hate vegatables, i do like sambal kang kong.

5. I like chinese. I'm just too lazy to learn.

6. I believe in the teachings of Pythagoras, "everything is number"

7. I believe in racial supremity. Different races have different abilities. A Chinese guy can never beat the ang mohs in bowling.etc...

8. I love the colour pink.

9. I think that love for animals is evil.

10. I love tea(the Real kind of tea) and wine(VSOP, remy martin, non-fizzy kinds)..


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