Sunday, December 02, 2007


i don't know what to write la.. walau... just finish my o levels supposed to play pool like hell and hustle all the amk people.. and go out with my cousins play bowling etc.. now this.. waste my holiday.. tsk tsk.. have been stuck here for a week already.. It is actually better than i expected.. the chemo is still bearable and a lot of ppl come here to visit me.. Really happy and touched that so many ppl care about me.. Always thought i was those "die also nobody care" person. hahaha. well hopefully i can go home in bout one or two weeks time. Then those amk ppl will know fear.. Well nothing much to write about... Hospital life is so eneventful.. And the nurses put so much disinfectant on them... Smells real nasty.. makes me sick.. haha maybe thats why i vomit so much.. And the food sucks too.. i want mee rubus.. and roti prata..